RockyML  0.0.1
A High-Performance Scientific Computing Framework
Designing search algorithms with Dena

Flow control

Name Description Notes
run::n_times(n, f) Execute the flow f for n times
run::with_probability(p, f) Execute the flow f with probability p
run::every_n_steps(n, f) Execute the flow f every n steps
run::while_improve(cnt, w, f) Repeat the flow f if there has been any improvement in the container cnt. Terminates the flow execution if after waiting w steps observes no improvements. Also can be use like without passing a container id that is run::while_improve(w, f), in this case will track the best solution in the node.

Container manipulation strategies

Name Description Notes
container::create(id, n_particles, group_size) Allocates a solution container for n_particles divided to groups with size of group_size.
container::take_best(destination, source) If there exists any solution in the source container that is better than a solution in the destination, then it will replace that solution.
container::eval(id) Evaluates all solution in a container and update the values. Dena search strategies will do this automatically. you may need this only if you have manually applied a change to a solution container

Initialization strategies

Used for initializing the solutions in a solution container.

Name Description Notes
init::uniform(id) intializes a solution container using a real uniform distribution This strategy will not evaluate the solutions after initialization.

Search strategies

Estimation of Distribution Algorithms

Name Description Notes
eda::mvn::full_cov(cnt) EDA using a Multivariate Normal with a full covariance matrix The size of solution container must be larger than the size of runtime's block.

Genetic Algorithms

Name Description Notes
mutation::gaussian(cnt, d, mu, sigma) Adds a gaussian noise to every solution in a container cnt and keeps the improved solutions. d is the number of affected dimensions. mu ad sigma are respectively the mean and std of the additive noise
crossover::segment(cnt, segment_len) Performs segment crossover and keeps the improved children. segment_len is length of the segment. segment_len should be less than the runtime block dimension
crossover::multipoint(cnt, dims) Performs a multi-point crossover and keeps the improved children. dims is the number of dimensions. dims should be less than the runtime block dimension


  • Simon, D., 2013. Evolutionary optimization algorithms. John Wiley & Sons.

Differential Evolution

Name Description Notes
crossover::differential_evolution(cnt, cr, dw) Differential evolution on container cnt. cr is the crossover probability and dw is differential weight The size of the target solution container must be at least 4

Particle Swarm Optimization

Dena supports a multi-level implementation of Particle Swarm Optimization, impemented based on Tribe-PSO. PSO supports container grouping so you can devide a solution container into groups. for grouping you can specify the size of groups while creating a solution container:

// create a solution container with 100 particles divided to 5 groups
container::create("X", 100, 20)

Also note PSO needs a set of auxiliary solution containers to use as particles memory. These containers can be created using:

pso::memory::create("memory_name", "target_container")
Name Description Notes
pso::local::step(mem_cnt, cnt) Performs local PSO. That is particles within a group will take one step toward the particle in the group. If you applied this on a container with a single group, it would be equivalent to the standard PSO.
pso::global::step(mem_cnt, cnt) Performs global PSO. That is all particles will take a step toward the best solution. Using communication strategies provided by Dena, you can propagate the best found solution across cluster nodes in a distributed runtime.
pso::memory::create(mem_cnt, cnt) Creates PSO auxiliary solution containers. mem_cnt is the name of created memory and cnt is the name of target solution container.
pso::memory::particles_mem(mem_id) Retrieve the name of the particles memory container given a mmeory id. This container contains the best observations of each particle.
pso::memory::groups_mem(mem_id) Retrieve the name of the groups memory container given a mmeory id This container contains the best observations of each group.
pso::memory::node_mem(mem_id) Retrieve the name of the node memory container given a mmeory id. This container contains the best observation in the node.
pso::memory::cluster_mem(mem_id) Retrieve the name of the cluster memory container given a mmeory id. This container contains the best observation in the cluster.
pso::memory::particles_vel(mem_id) Retrieve the name of velocity container given a mmeory id. This container contains the velocity of particles


  • Chen, K., Li, T. and Cao, T., 2006. Tribe-PSO: A novel global optimization algorithm and its application in molecular docking. Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems, 82(1-2), pp.248-259.

Blocking strategies

The following strategies can be use for block optimization. It means instead of all variable only a subset of vaiables will be optimized at each step. Thus block optimization is useful for applying memory-intensive search methods on large problems. Each block strategies select the subset of variables to be optimized in a different way.
Note : In a distributed runtime, the selected subset of variables (a mask) will be synchronized across all nodes so it's a collective call and can become a performance bottleneck.

Name Description Notes
block::uniform::select() Randomly select a subset of variables and synchronize them acorss all nodes if the runtime is distributed

Communication strategies

Communication strategies are designed for distributed optimization. Currently they run on top of MPI. They can propagate the best found solutions in the cluster.

Name Description Notes
propagate::cluster::best(id) Find the best solution in each node and broadcast it for all nodes The size of the container id should be 1. Also note this is a synchronized and blocking call so if we don't use it carefully, it can cause a deadlock.

Logging strategies

Logging strategies can be helpful for recording the result of an optimization experiment. You can save the result on local file system or a remote server which is useful for distributed optimization.

Name Description Notes
log::local::best(id, log_handler) Stores the value of the best solution in container id in a local file. To create the log_handler see rocky::zagros::local_log_handler
log::comet::best(id, log_handler) Stores the value of the best solution in container id on Comet server. You need to specify your Comet access token in log_handler. To create log_handler see rocky::zagros::comet_log_handler

Analyzing strategies

A set of helper strategies which can be useful for analyzing the objective function and optimizers.

Name Description Notes
analyze::plot::heatmap(filename) Stores the 2D mesh of the objective function is a file wich can be used to plot the surface or the contour lines of the objective function. The size of block in a blocked runtime should be 2 for using this strategy